Sunday, February 3, 2013

Chapter 3 Journal

How can teachers evaluate and assess their students? Teachers use many ways to evaluate and assess their students. As teachers begin planning their lessons and deliever their lesson to the class, they are able to being the process of how they will assess their students. After the lesson has been delivered properly is when educators can properly assess there students because it takes a minor process. First, personal experience is the first step teachers tend to educate and asses their student because they use the way they were taught. Next, educators use standarized testing to assess their students. This plays a major role in a students success because standardized test are required more and more and they determine whether or a student passes or fails a grade. Finally, teachers test also help influence how a teacher assesses and teaches their student because it influences the importance of a test to teacher which influences how important he/she might feel it is for the development of their students.

This Video was provided by awslutsky on YouTube

Tech Tool 3.1 Online Resources for Lesson Planning: Thinkfinity, PBS Teachers, and Giffy I chose Tech Tool 3.1 because with my other assignment I already explored PBS Teachers and found that site to be extremely helpful. I went to it for the lesson planning part and I really enjoyed all the ideas it provided for a teacher. I would defnitely use something like this especially because it provides many inovated ways of incorporating technology with you lesson and how to make it work for you. This site also provides ideas for different types and age groups of different students.

Summary of Chapter 3 Chapter 3 is mostly about how teachers plan, deliver, and assess lessons that engage students and improve academic learning through technology for the student. This chapter provides tips for lesson development using technology: what to teach, how to teach, knowing what students have learned, and putting all of these into action. Chapter 3 also provides different ideas on how to approach lesson planning in order to meet educational standards and the proper way to assess and evaluate students.

1 comment:

  1. Great video to share with your posting regarding assessment! Effective teachers are constantly assessing students for their learning. The available technology-oriented tools for assessment make it easy for both formative and summative types!
